week one.

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week eight.

week nine.

week ten.
Wild Sown Understorey
Seeding action, project document & climate almanac.
February-April 2009
West Brunswick Sculpture Triennial
curated by OSW
March-April 2009
Melbourne, Australia

download wBST poster pdf [48KB]
Wild Sown Understorey is a seeding action for the front yard of 135 Union St, West Brunswick. In February green manure crop seeds were cast, and the grass left to grow until the close of the wBST. The potential for a shaggy transformation of suburban ground will lay dormant or flourish according to rainfall, becoming a simultaneous ten-week weather index. Using the methods of natural farmer Masanobu Fukuoka, the project plays out between disturbance to a lawn-scape, land remediation and productivity, the absence of wildness, probable failure and climate change.

Project document & climate almanac.
A6-ish ha-ha foldout with weeks one-ten card series
single colour printing in brown, blue and teal
printed with love on The Rizzeria
edition of 100
copies available ~ contact l kell 88 [at] gmail dot com
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