
november 2008

TCB_Y2K_outside view_nov 08 
Y2K_room view 1 
Y2K_room view_2 
Y2K_The___Hall_nov 08

The____Hall 2008
digital print poster, document thread, paper clay, scrap plasterboard, fabric, cloth tape, brackets, hardware.

The (self initiated Artist funded) Second (fourth)
Y2K Melbourne Biennial of Art (& design)

Bianca Hester. Sean Bailey. Simon Taylor. Jon Campbell. Kate Newby. John Nixon. Matt Hinkley. Nick Mangan & Ying Lan Dan. Nick Selenitsch. Kate Smith. Dan Arps. Damon Packard. Ida Ekblad. Daniel du Bern. Alexander Ouchtomsky. Ben Tankard. Liv Barrett. Scott Mitchell. OSW. Animal Charm. Matthew Brown. Jane Caught. Alex Vivian. Masato Takasaka. Helen Johnson. Sean Peoples/ Cheese Peoples. James Deutsher. Sriwhana Spong. Kain Picken. Rob Mckenzie. Kain Picken & Rob McKenzie. Spiros Panigirakis. Lisa Kelly. Joshua Petherick. Matt Griffin. Geoff Newton. Pat Foster & Jen Berean. Liz Allen. Gregory P Sharp. Justin K Fuller. Ardi Gunawan. Xin Cheng. Hao Guo. Annie Wu. Christopher L G Hill. Janneke Raaphorst. Ruth Buchanan. Tahi Moore.Taree Mackenzie. Simon McGlinn. ffiXXed. Christopher Schueler & Matthew Hopkins. Dylan Statham. ACW. Fiona Connor. and more…..

19th Nov. to 6th Dec. 2008

curated by Christopher L G Hill

Y2K catalogue_front Y2K catalogue_middle Y2K catalogue_back

TCB art inc.

the greenhouse_fed square_nov 08
Fed Square, Melbourne
The Greenhouse
Sustainable architecture project.

ian potter waste_fed square_nov 08
Fed Square, Melbourne
The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia
Waste goes on…

group projects

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june 2008

botanical gardens_fallen dragon's blood 
botanical gardens_coir barrier 
circular quay_electrical tape & bamboo
Things seen between.
Criss-crossing the city venues in the first week of Revolutions – Forms That Turn 2008 Biennale of Sydney.
1. fallen Dragon’s Blood 2. coir thing 3. bound tree (electrical tape & bamboo)

Cockatoo island_sign 
cockatoo island_turbine hall 
cockatoo island_buildings & sky 
cockatoo island_ferry lights
Cockatoo Island
Biennale of Sydney 2008
1. sign 2. Turbine Hall 3. buildings & winter sky 4. lights on the last ferry.


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